Mobile Fittings

Take the Show on the Road - To You!


Phoenix Mobile Fitting Trip

We have had requests asking if we’d come to a specific locale to do fittings. We have considered this request and are happy to announce that we are now offering to take the “show” on the road. We have taken the necessary steps that will allow us to come to you to do fittings. Everything is now completely portable. We do have a few basic requirements for this process to be feasible.

First, there has to be ease of access via air travel.  Maximum number of fittings will be 4 per day.  Arrangements will also need to be made with a local golf course or driving range facility that would host the fittings.

There needs to be a minimum of 4 golfers that will go through the full bag fitting process. Cost for the mobile fitting is estimated at $250 per person. Yes, this is slightly higher than an “in house” fitting but remember, you are saving considerably more by not having to pay for your travel.

If you’d like to consider the mobile fitting process, please contact us at: or by calling: 803-798-1030 and we can discuss the particulars.

I thought he was great as well…a great teacher and club fitter.



Doc’s Mobile Golf Club Fitting Trips

March:    Toronto, Canada

April:       Chicago, IL   

May:         Phoenix, AZ  

June:        Seattle, WA (tentative)  

July:         Denver, CO